In the world of confusion the principles of memory lead the way
Discover the methods which will make your learning faster than ever before.
How my obsession with memory started ...
When I was about 20 a friend of mine asked me an interesting question, "What is some big goal you would like to achieve before you turn 40?". I don't know why but I blurted out, "learn 10 languages by the time I am 40". I really have no idea why I said it. Sure, I liked languages but I had never even thought about learning so many of them, I mean how would one even go about tackling such a big project?
Somehow the idea stayed with me and it felt more and more compelling as the days went by. Even more so since at the very same time I got really hooked on learning more about memory.
Soon after, I enrolled in a language school to master German and after about four years I was ready to sit the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 exam. The last trial before the real thing was a mock exam. I took it, I passed it and life felt great.
I felt so proud of myself as I was leaving my language school, "Now I know English, German and Polish, there are 7 languages to go". The life had different plans for me. Just as I was ambling down the street I was approached by an elderly German couple asking me if I speak any German.
"I do", I replied proudly. "Do you know any good restaurants around here?", they asked.
As they were finishing their question, something terrible happened. I froze. I couldn't spew out any coherent answer. I huffed and puffed and floundered until I managed to form some vague answer.
As they were leaving I felt devasted. I spent 4 damn years in a language school and couldn't even hold a simple conversation!
How the hell did that happen?
The feeling of shame quickly became my driving force. I knew that the typical approach to learning languages was very ineffective. But there had to be some solution out there. And I was hell-bent on finding it.
Here is the first thing I discovered:
Terrible misconceptions about learning languages
This task felt a lot like chasing the elusive rabbit. Every time I was sure that I found the best way to learn, I got disappointed. Every book I bought held a promise, yet always fell short.
But I didn't give up. Oh no. I doubled-down. I started buying even bigger amount of popular books about memory and language learning.
Surprise, surprise, it didn't change much. Once you measured their efficiency (does anyone else do it?) they always turned out to be disappointing. Everything changed when one day it dawned on me - why look for the answers in books or blogs when I can start studying research papers?
It was an absolute game-changer for me.
I started going through reams of memory- and language-related studies. Not in an ordinary fashion, mind you - I was actually memorizing them. As shocking as it sounds, this is actually the only way to make sense out of complicated problems.
I didn't find the answer I was looking for in one study. I didn't find it in 100 either. But each one of them started opening my eyes to something truly terrifying:
99% of people whose advice I was reading had no idea how to learn, including, unfortunately, many so-called specialists.
I slowly started realizing why all the strategies I had been trying out, like mnemonics or flashcards, failed.
The most frustrating part?
Some of the popular methods which are still being heavily promoted today were already found to be ineffective in the 70's! If you have ever been frustrated with your language learning progress I want you to know that it's probably not your fault. The methods you have been using so far can be to blame.
Let's take a look at some of the popular advice floating around on the internet.
Problem 1 - Everyone learns differently
The premise of this idea seems very appealing, right? We are all different, wouldn't it be only natural if we all learned differently?
Unfortunately, the answer is the definite "no".
You see, basically, there has never been any scientific proof for this theory. Yet, somehow it managed to become one of the most popular learning concepts ever.
There is actually a very easy way to check it. If you believe that you are [[ insert a learning style here ]] then it clearly means that you can retain information way better this way. Ask somebody to test you on memorizing a list of, say, 30 words, using different methods. You will be very surprised by the results.
Regardless of what you think about your learning style, you will almost always remember information better either visually or by actively using it. Just like 99% of other people.
The better way to think about this is that we learn differently but memorize in a very similar way. And just because you learn differently doesn't make it effective.
Problem 2 - Too many learning materials and tools
Here are some of the messages I have received throughout the years on Universe of Memory:
"My name is Johnathan. I'm learning Thai (...). So far, I've been using Pimsleur, Anki, Memrise, some other Android apps and youtube to learn."
"Right now I consistently use Anki and an app called WaniKani. I also (....) have a lot of resources: Glosskia, shadowing program, several textbooks, several apps" - Jeremiah
Can you see a common motif here?
You are right. Too many learning tools and materials.
Almost every language learning blog bombards you with "the list of X best apps to learn a language". On the surface, it seems like such a great idea to have as many learning materials as you can. Variety can, after all, make your learning more interesting.
However, once again this is one of the habits which hinder your learning.
The problem is so-called "activation energy". This is energy you need to use in order to start conducting a given activity. The bigger it is, the smaller the chance that you will actually get down to work.
So what happens when you have 30 different learning tools?
The activation energy skyrockets! It's getting so hard to decide which one to use that eventually it leads to so-called "decision paralysis". You either can't decide at all and start rationalizing why you will do it tomorrow or it takes so much time that there is not much time and energy left for learning! And that's just a tip of the iceberg.
What about reviewing? When will be the next time you actually come back to a given source and review the material it contains?
Problem 3 - Inefficient learning methods
A common objection to my comments and articles about ineffective learning methods can be summed up like this:
"Lol, you are so wrong. [[ I, my cousin, my friend ]] learned [[ insert a language ]] [[ fluently, perfectly ]] and the only thing he did was [[ watching TV/hentai/cartoons, playing computer games, reading books ]]".
My answer?
I believe them. The truth is that almost every method works if you stick to it long enough.
Hell, you know how I learned English to a C1 level over ten years ago? Every time I encountered a word I did not know, I wrote down all its meanings and definitions from a huge dictionary and read them on my way to school. In other words, I was rewriting a dictionary. Ugh, I wish I had known better back then.
The funny thing is that I managed to learn English anyway.
So what's exactly my problem with all the inefficient learning methods?
If you want to learn a language by using them, you need a LOT OF TIME. The thing is that you are not a pimply and carefree teenager anymore.
Years ago I spent almost 6-8 hours each day learning English. Do you have that much time?
Does comment like this one convince you: "Extensive reading works fine if you read 10000 or 15000 pages"? Would you like to spend 400-600 hours and have nothing to show for?
Of course not. You are an adult. You come frazzled from work, have to play with your kids, do shopping and so on. You have no time to waste. Because this is exactly what using inefficient learning methods is - a colossal waste of time. You could have spent all this extra time on doing something else but you couldn't. It got sucked into the inefficient-learning-methods vortex.
The result? Frustration. Double-guessing yourself. Anger. And the worst of all - giving up. If you ever felt any of them, know that you are not alone.
Here are some of the e-mails I have received:
"My background has always been technical. Electronics, computers, nuclear power, etc. So I am not a stupid person. But foreign language learning has always been a struggle for me." - Gregory
"What bothers me is that I feel like I'm not progressing as fast as I would like, and more importantly I'm not really sure what to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm floundering." - Ben
"How do you realistically get to the point of being able to learn a language? Clearly, I should be doing something different, because I'm not able to keep this up. And I want to keep it up, but my brain's scolding me for overtiring myself and desensitizing me. This feels completely like the negative effects of abusing a substance..." Donatas
"I can't begin to express the stress, anger, frustration and genuine anxiety this causes me. I am at the point where have had enough. I want to quit. But, on the other hand, I DESPERATELY want to become fluent. It's a MASSIVE tug of war going on internally and it's really tearing me apart. Especially now I have a 10-month-old Finnish son." - Rob
This is why I believe that you should use effective learning methods - to avoid all this negative stuff. And to feel inspired like one of my readers:
" I was excited by the story of learning German from scratch to B2 in 5 months. The story gave me a lot of power and motivation. I used to doubt if it is possible to learn a new language at my age (I am 50), but now I am sure I will do it." - Damian
Let's be honest. There is nothing more motivating and inspiring than seeing yourself progress fast.
However, that's impossible without understanding why many of the popular learning methods are flawed.
What's wrong with some of the popular learning methods?
The thing which annoys the hell out of me is that anyone can slap their name on a product or a method and declare it revolutionary. If they have some marketing skills on top of it, the method spreads like a virus and infects millions of people.
The problem is that most of the time these methods don't stand up to scientific scrutiny. When you start reading the literature you start seeing things differently. You start having benchmarks for effective learning.
Here are a couple of examples:
Problems with Mnemonics
I was a huge proponent of mnemonics for years. That is until I started reading scientific literature and running my own retention tests.
Here are some of the problems with mnemonics:
"I get it - a lot of people find them very useful. I have Anki, I know how to use it, and I've built several different decks. They're lovely, with pictures and everything. I have packs of cards that I've bought at the stationery store, and they're all done up in different colors and what-have-you. But the thing is, once the deck is made, I lose all interest in actually using it. I spend a few days going through it, and words either stick or they don't, and I forget about it for a while."
Problems with flashcard apps (or the way you use them)
Let me be clear about one thing - flashcard applications are the most powerful learning tool you might use. If you use them right, that is. And unfortunately, not many people do that.
Here are some of the (major) mistakes you might make while using them:
A list of such methods goes on and on. But instead of going through it, let's take a look at what actually makes learning effective.
In the world of informational chaos
the principles of memory lead the way
If you have ever felt that you are stagnating or that you have hit a dead end - it's not your fault.
The truth is that your learning pace can simply be only as good as the number of principles of memory you use in your learning methods.
The problem is that they are invisible to most of the language learners and so-called experts. That's why trying to find a method seems like such a pointless journey.
Around every corner, there is yet another app. And of course, like all the other apps and methods, it is "revolutionary". So you try it and give it up just to pursue the next one which seems promising.
However, once you discover the principles of memory which govern all the learning, your life won't ever be the same again.
You will be able to tell right away why some method works well while the other does not. And the best thing is that those principles of memory are not a fad. They won't change no matter what.
My experiments and their results
I have been creating methods which are based on those principles for years. It was a painstakingly slow process.
Each method had to be tested for at least three months in order to verify its effectiveness. Then the best methods were tested statistically against one another and improved over time.
My obsessiveness and meticulousness certainly did reveal themselves in the process.
Actually, I launched a beta-version of this course over 2 years ago but I put it on hold. The results were great but I expected more. I promised myself that I would launch the final version of the course once I am able to consistently teach average language learners a language to a B2 level from scratch within 6-8 months.
I can proudly say that I achieved my goal. Not only did I manage to help others but I also succeeded as a language learner myself.
Not many people know this but my main motivation for learning languages was always to figure out how to learn them as fast as it's only possible. And I certainly had some success in this area.
I managed to:
The Vocabulary Labs sums almost everything that I have learned and created in order to become a super effective language learner.
Introducing Vocabulary Labs
The Vocabulary Labs is a powerful learning system based on the immutable principles of memory. That means that all the methods are fully optimized for maximal retention.
They are not based on any fad and can't be replaced by any app because they come from a deep understanding how memory works.
That's extremely important because I know how easy it is to get lost in the world of flashy apps and random strategies. It seems like every minute there is a new one coming your way. You don't even know when your learning turns into the chase after the elusive rabbit.
You know the best how exhausting that is. And Vocabulary Labs can save you from all this toil.
The goal of the course is to:
In this course you'll learn…
Vocabulary Labs contains 15 modules and almost 160 units which will guide you step by step through the process of becoming an independent and efficient learner.
It doesn't matter if you are just a beginner or an advanced learner or what kind of language you learn. All the methods outlined in the Vocabulary Labs course are fully optimized for retention and created so that you can avoid all the learning mistakes.
Of course, the more of them you implement, the better your results are going to be!
Here is a brief overview of all the things you are going to learn:
Module 1 - Introduction
A brief introduction to the course and suggestions on how you can use it to maximize your learning curve.
Module 3 - A couple of words about ANKI
In this module, you will learn why ANKI is the best possible learning tool and how to use its basic and more advanced features.
Module 5 - The E.V.A. Method (THE enhanced vocabulary acquisition METHOD)
This is where the real fun begins. The E.V.A. method is one of the most powerful methods any language learner can dream of. It can help you memorize any word or phrase and guarantees 100% retention of any word. That's a big promise but I deliver.
It helps you omit EVERY single mistake from the ones I mention in Module 3. And to top it all, it's super useful at any language level!
If you have even thought that remembering words like "coppice" or "brazier" in your target language is impossible, I will make you change your mind.
Module 7 - COntextual learning from reading
The short and sweet module which shows you when to use reading as a learning tool in your language learning journey. It also demonstrates how to start reading native materials even when you are on an A2 level and how to automate your vocabulary acquisition from texts.
Module 9 - How to find language partners
Ok, you don't have to be THAT guy who just sits on a train mumbling something to himself. This module will show you dozens of great ways to find a language partner.
Module 11 - How to surround yourself with a language
Here you will learn everything you need to know about surrounding yourself air-tight with a language of your choice and how to use passive learning to accelerate your progress.
Everything you need to know to start understanding your target language asap.
(BONUS) Module 15 - FAQ
A place for all your other questions concerning language learning. E.g. "What are the best ways to mine vocabulary?", "How can I learn a new alphabet" and so on.
The module tackles topics such as:
- determining your current language level
- choosing your daily goals so you know exactly when you reach your dream level
- overcoming mental barriers to learning many words per day
- choosing the right vocabulary to increase your fluency asap
- selecting learning tools
Module 4 - Language learning mistakes which hinder your progress
This module will make you think hard about all the mistakes you have been making so far in your language learning. It explains in depth 15 of them, among others:
- lack of a retention intention
- lack of passive encoding
- passive learning
- exceeding your working memory capacity
Module 6 - The grammar mastery
This is a complete grammar learning system. It shows you how to master grammar from every possible angle. Starting from mapping the most important grammar concepts, delivering feedback to yourself and ending with automating their use.
Module 8 - A Full Activation Pack
In this module, you will learn a bunch of learning strategies which will help you with achieving fluency by speaking with yourself. After mastering this module, you won't need teachers or lessons to improve your conversational skills anymore. You will be able to build your fluency from the ground up.
Module 10 - Logic in language learning
Knowing how to memorize something is certainly great but not always necessary. Sometimes it's enough to use your head in order to notice different linguistic patterns underlying word formation.
Module 12 - How to learn with music
What would be life without a little bit of music, right? In this module, you will learn strategies on how to utilize music in your language learning.
(BONUS) Module 14 - your learning strategies
Here you will discover a general language learning strategy for all language levels as well as the concrete guidelines for specific language levels.
That's not everything.
Other extras
How I've helped my students accelerate their learning
I believe that the true mark of being an expert is delivering results to clients.
In many years of my professional career, I have helped hundreds of people to learn a language really quickly, be it via private consultations or live trainings.
What does "quickly" mean?
- About 90% of my clients have learned a language to at least a B1 level from scratch in one year while having just 1-hour class per week.
- About 15-20% of clients have learned a language to at least a B2 level from scratch in 4-8 months while having just 1-hour class per week.
- 96% of participants of my live training on vocabulary acquisition have at least tripled their learning pace.
Before working with Bartosz, I was already a seasoned language learner. However, I felt I was missing a few systems that would allow me to automatize my language learning, to make sure the process would be as painless and efficient as possible. The sessions with Bartosz forced me to look deeply into my systems and, with his help, I managed to improve them so that they would fit my needs. Bartosz is extremely knowledgeable on everything that concerns long-term memorization, learning automation, and breaking down complex problems, which turn out to be very useful skills even outside of language learning. All in all, Bartosz has had a tremendous impact on my approach as a language learner, and I'd recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone who is serious about taking their languages to the next level.
Ricardo R.
Thanks to new tools I learned during the sessions, I save now more time, can prepare my own learning material and have it all in one place. I get the advantage of the short periods of spare time during the day rather than sitting down and studying. Now I don´t consider learning as a tiresome activity. Starting from scratch and after a 6-week period I could perfectly read and understand Readers Books on an A2 level in Italian (understanding almost 90-95%) of the content). I acquired more than 700 new words (with context phrases). I am aware I could have done it better but taking into account that I spent only 15 min daily on learning I find the results impressive. - Anna M.
Anna M.
Bartosz was recommended to me by my colleagues who also learned Swedish. I heard from them that thanks to his methods I can learn how to speak quickly. However, I did not expect that it can happen that fast. I attended our first classes with the assumption that I will learn Swedish in a couple of years, but as it turned out, I achieved fluency (B2) after 8-9 months of learning from scratch with 1 hour of classes per week,
Joanna P.
Never in my life have I thought that one can learn that fast! Results: learning German from scratch to a B2 level in 5 months and passing a B2 certificate.
Mathew Ch.
Bartosz is a role model and an example of how you don't need purse-draining courses, or years spent abroad to master a language. Sorry, I know this has been my excuse for years... Bartek has a cheaper and equally effective way of doing it and his very own techniques and tips about how to learn fast.
Magdalene B.
Although at present I devote about 20 minutes a day to study, I see that I have learned more than in the last month, going to ordinary language classes. The beginnings were not easy, because it is difficult to change habits concerning the ways of learning, but I have already managed to convince myself that it is worth it. I recommend this training to everyone, especially those who say it is too late for them to learn a new language. Bartosz's methods show that it is not as difficult as it may seem.
Anna K.
Even though these results might seem impressive, there is only one key takeaway here:
using the right learning methods can drastically accelerate your learning pace regardless of your teacher. The real work is always done in solitude.
Vocabulary Labs Graduates - What's Possible
It's easy to write "my course is great, buy it!". After all, everyone does it. That's why I would like to show you the real results of Vocabulary Labs graduates. They all started the course with different goals and different problems, but they have one thing in common - they overcame their problems and succeeded. Now they get to enjoy smooth and effective learning!
Oh, and one more thing. Have you ever noticed the structure of your typical testimonials: "I recommend the course", "I enjoyed the course", "I feel so motivated" and so on? You won't find any of this generic stuff here. Look closely at the testimonials below. They show total transformations of peoples' ability to learn.
- Learning 1000+ words per month? Check.
- Learning a new language in a couple of months? Check.
The chances are that you won't get results like these from any other course on the market.
Katrina Y.
Result: From a skeptic to learning Finnish from scratch to an A2 in 3 weeks
"Well... it’d be nice to start the new school year in September knowing the new techniques. So I give myself 3-4 months. As for German, you say B2 is possible within a couple of months... That must be quite a lot of work. So, let’s say, I’d consider A2-B1 in German in 3-4 months a tremendous success (later Kate's target language was changed to Finnish)
To finish answering, let me say that although I'm very curious about your system, I'm at the same time very sceptical about it. In other words, I don't really expect much and regard it more like an experiment of some sort. "
"I started using your method on May, 5th. On May 10th I realized I've already achieved more than after 2 months of Duolingo. And that's not because Finnish is easy and German is not. Actually, it's the other way around.
For the experiment to be totally honest, I chose a language which looks absolutely alien to me: Finnish. It has nothing in common with the languages I know, since it belongs to a different family.
(...) At the end of the third week of my experiment I found an online placement test offered by some Finnish language school in Moscow. The result was that they suggested I join their second semester group (which means I’d achieved in 3 weeks what they were studying for 4 months at the same price which I paid for your course).
(...) I didn't believe at first that a B1 in 4 months is achievable, but now I think it is pretty possible if I just keep doing it at the same pace (which is not highly demanding, by the way).
The course has changed my perception of language learning so much that sometimes I feel my progress is slow. At this moment I remember my words “I’d call reaching A2-B1 in 3-4 months a tremendous success”. I know this phenomenon of greediness from my students, and now I’m experiencing it myself. Funny, but when I was doing Duolinguo making no progress whatsoever, I didn’t feel that I was going too slow.
Chris R.
Result: From being chaotic to learning over 4ooo Dutch and 500 Chinese words in 3 months
What are your strengths/weaknesses when it comes to learning?
(discipline, concentration, etc.) I'm persistent but not consistent. I often change my approach and I don't think I review things enough. I don't mind 'active learning' - translating and using recall . My pronunciation in both languages is bad, because of this I don't always take the opportunity to start conversations.
What is your biggest burning pain when it comes to learning right now?
recalling words and phrases,
In a little bit over 90 days Chris learned:
Dutch - 4113 words
Chinese - 539 words
I think I'm learning a lot of vocabulary, words that I had no idea about at the start of the course are much more familiar to me now. I've also come across them in my listening too. Just from making the cards, I have a much better understanding of how 'words' work. I've also found that from my grammar cards, I'm now incorporating the grammar that I've learnt into new cards.
Conversation - general one to one conversations are going much better. I'm more confident about the grammar and the pronunciation. Also words come much faster.
I feel that I have progressed. Obviously with vocabulary, but also in my listening and speaking abilities. When speaking, if someone says you made mistake, in more cases am I now able to correct myself.
"(....) I have received a few compliments from people about my Dutch. Yesterday, I also managed to solve an administrative problem we had with a Telecom company. I was pleased that I didn't use google translate and my replies were quick (though probably with mistakes).
Susan E.
Result: From spinning her wheels to learning 2 French and Spanish at the same time with great results!
How long have you been trying to learn your current language?
Too long! I started learning French about 8 years ago, but then took a long pause. About 3 years ago I started learning Spanish. After a couple classes that just didn’t help me, I started working on my own.
What do you (currently) like/dislike about language learning?
I struggle to remember words, grammar concepts over time even with the use of context and spaced repetition. Then I can’t seem to access them quickly in conversations. I don’t seem to be moving forward. I have read so many theories about the right way to study, to learn. Which is truly the right program?
What are your strengths/weaknesses when it comes to learning? (discipline, concentration, etc.)
Too scattered! Too many resources. Time and motivation are strengths. Usually, I am an organized person, but I can’t seem to be organized with language learning. I don't stay with one resource, but I move from resource to resource looking for the perfect one. I read blogs about how to learn. Once again, as I start this program, I am moving to another resource.
My learning is more coordinated. Every day I know what I will be doing. I am not wandering around the way I was before. I have more focus since I am channeling everything through ANKI which gives me the opportunity to review vocabulary, expressions, and grammar even while learning new concepts. All vocabulary from my high frequency list, italki sessions, and listening comprehension transcripts will be entered into ANKI. In this way, I anticipate moving forward at a more rapid pace. I will not need to be searching for notebooks for different tasks. I am really motivated now.
I feel that I have a lot of the pieces, but now I need to work on more opportunities to speak. Before I started this program, I could not remember my vocabulary and spent lots of time trying to remember as I reviewed. Now, the review process is much faster since I put more work in the learning phase...retention intention and meaning making. (Love those terms!). Also, I had been working on 2 languages at the same time.
Now I am focusing on intense French for 3 months and then I will move back to Spanish, but continue maintenance activities for French.I am also more goal oriented. I intend to be C1 in reading, writing, speaking and listening in 3 months. Possible? I am not sure. I may be about B2 now, so why not?
Vocabulary Labs provides a step-by-step program to guide language learners in acquiring vocabulary and grammar in an efficient and focused manner. No more jumping around!
Yes, I think now that I will make progress and will be able to move forward. C1 by October 1 in French! Goals, focus, meaning making!
For 7 years I have struggled with Hungarian and that is mainly because I was always overwhelmed by the grammar. This long-term confusion had led me to many roadblocks in learning Hungarian. Knowing that I can simply learn the main grammar principles means that I can actually make MAJOR progress!
uddenly, I can finally see what stands between me and basic Hungarian fluency. That is a major leap for me. Knowing what stands between me and basic fluency makes a huge task suddenly seem very manageable. It's quite a relief to know this!
Before your course I was in the land of the Impossible, and now I firmly know that I CAN DO THIS.I now have a very clearly defined goal for learning Hungarian, whereas before I only had the question: "which useless language course should I buy next?" Your course is the first language course that I have ever owned where I actually looked forward to reading the next units and modules. Other language courses simply reminded me of boring and ineffective school work.
I thought for years that Hungarian would beat me (it had done for such a long time). But you have shown me that a smart guy in Poland had other ideas :) I have mainly mentioned the grammar side of things in this email, but of course every unit is a little nugget of gold that will feed me knew techniques when I reach those stages. Thank you!
Ashley Benett (learns Hungarian)
Lots of other testimonials (click to open)
Frequently Asked Questions
"Can't I do it on my own?"
Probably not. The knowledge included in this course is generally very dispersed. I had to read and memorize hundreds of memory-related studies and many books in order to acquire it.
Then I had to think up new methods utilizing all the principles of memory I have learned. On top of this, I have been testing those methods one against the other for many years on myself and my students to iron out any wrinkles.
So I would dare say that doing it on your own is highly unlikely. And let's be honest - how many polyglots out there are memory experts at the same time?
"How do I know it works?"
Vocabulary Labs contains methods I have used to master 8 languages. But that's not important.
What's important is that I have been able, time and time again, to teach an average language learner to learn a language to a B1/B2 level in a matter of months with only about 1 hour of lessons per week. Please see testimonials above.
"I am young / old / handsome / a one-legged capricorn ? Will it work for me as well?"
Probably you have been convinced in the course of your education that there is some learning style which maximizes your chances of memorizing information.
Unfortunately, this isn't the case and there are plenty of studies which show exactly that.
We all acquire information in a similar fashion and there is no going around this. That's why the methods presented in the course will work for you regardless of your current age/looks and so on. Actually, I still remember of one of the participants of my live trainings.
Dorothy came to the training grumbling that she is over 50 and there is no hope for her. Two weeks after the training, which didn't even contain half of the strategies from Vocabulary Labs, she dropped me a message that she managed to learn over 500 words.
"I am a beginner/advanced, is the course for me?"
Most methods are fully flexible and can be used both by beginners and advanced students. I have had clients at all language levels and they benefited from Vocabulary Labs.
The course also includes recommended learning strategies for all language levels.
"Is it a video course?"
No, currently the course is only available in a text format. However, it will be turned into a video course in the near future.
It's a good idea to lock the lifetime access to it at a lower price.
"What if I fall behind?"
Don't worry — the course comes with a lifetime access. It doesn't matter if you get sick or are out of town for a couple of days. It will still be there when you come back.
What's more, if you get overwhelmed you can always reach out to me and I will gladly help you.
"How does the course work?"
The Vocabulary Labs is an online, self-paced text course. Every couple of days you will get an e-mail with access to a new module tackling different learning issues.
You'll always be able to access your material via the course emails or directly through the Vocabulary Labs site.
"Can't I find this information elsewhere?"
Yes, you can. However, amassing and making sense out of it is a completely different beast. What's more, many of the methods found in this course are of my own devising so you won't find them anywhere else.
And let's be honest, there are other options. For example:
- Signing up for a language course so you can learn a language at about A1 level for 200-400$.
- Getting a couple of hours of private tuition for 20-40$ per hour.
- Buying a monthly subscription to some random app for 10-30$ per month which you will ditch anyway in a matter of months.
- Buying a set of textbooks for 30-70$ each.
And so on. So yes, there are other options out there.
Do they give you comparable benefits? Do the authors have the faintest idea about memory? I will let you answer these questions on your own.
"What if I don't have time?"
That depends on your definition of "no time". If you truly have no time on your hands right now, I would still recommend you to buy Vocabulary Labs now.
You have a lifetime access to it so you will be able to use it at your earliest convenience.
However, if by no time you mean little time then it's definitely for you. All the methods included in Vocabulary Labs are fully optimized for efficiency. If you follow them you will be able to make a noticeable progress even with 20 minutes per day.
"What if I don't like flashcards / they don't work for me?"
I want to be clear about this - many of the methods from Vocabulary Labs require doing ANKI flashcards. However, you will be using them in a COMPLETELY different way.
If you have ever tried doing them like this:
Q: to work A: zu arbeiten
Q: zu arbeiten A: to work
Then yeah, flashcards won't work well. But if you use the optimizing algorithms underpinning ANKI in a right way, the magic will happen!
"Does the course apply to all the languages?"
Yes, the course is based on the immutable principles of memory which can be applied to all the languages. If you want, you can even use Vocabulary Labs to learn how to talk fluently in a dead language!
"Will I have an immediate access to the entire course ?"
No. The course will be dripped over the span of 32 days. Vocabulary Labs contains 15 modules and almost 160 units. Getting all this material at once would be like quenching your thirst by drinking from a water hose.
"Can I use these methods to learn more languages at the same time?"
Sure, I use it to learn 8 at the same time. Methods presented in the course FORCE you to truly use your target language(s). There is no better way to get better at many languages at the same time.
"How much time does it take to do this course per week?"
The best answer is: the more the better. However, I would recommend spending at least 3 hours per week for maximum results. Which, to be honest, is not that difficult as the course also shows you how to surround yourself with a language.
"How often do you open the course?"
Usually, every 3-4 months. I spend a lot of time working personally with my students to ensure that they achieve their goals and that requires, well, much time!
Even though the course will teach you how to become a truly independent language learning machine, it is not for everyone.
Vocabulary Labs is NOT for you if…
Vocabulary Labs IS for you if…
Try Vocabulary Labs for 60 days,
100% risk-free
The course is yours to try for 60 days. That's enough time to go through it at least twice.
Why so long? Because I want you to truly feel the results of using my methods.
If my learning system doesn't improve your learning pace, e-mail me, show me that you did the work and I will give you all your money back.
In other words - take a chance on me and I will take a chance on you. The only thing you've got to lose is a lot of frustration and hundreds of hours wasted on ineffective learning!
Get Your Copy of Vocabulary Labs & Accelerate Your Learning
Special offer for Grammar Mastery Students
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I know that this course can be a turning point for you. I have spent long years researching, devising and testing the best methods and strategies to learn languages. Knowing what I know now could have saved me hundreds of hours and tons of frustration.
Because the truth is that your choice of learning strategies can make or break your learning.
Vocabulary Labs eliminates all the unknowns out of this process. Everything you need to master a language will be in one place.
It's not the knowledge which will change overnight. It's based on the immutable principles of memory. That's not something any app can replace.
With Vocabulary Labs not only will you understand how to choose the right methods amidst the universe of informational chaos and flashy apps , but you'll also understand what effective learning is all about.
No more fumbling in the dark. No more scouring pointless articles and language fora. You will finally be able to spend your time on what matters.
And who knows, maybe a couple months from now you will be able to have your first long conversation thinking, "why the heck did I think that was difficult?"
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email me.
I am happy to help.