

Here you can find dozens of amazing success stories of Vocabulary Labs alumni. Interested in learning more? Visit the course page - next story could be yours!

One thing you should pay attention to is the language used by VL students in their testimonials. There is no typical BS here that you will find in all the other courses on the internet. "The course was nice", "The author is a great guy," "I enjoyed the course, and it made me feel more confident." Screw this. These are not results. It's marketing fluff.

In all VL testimonials, you will find real stats and details of how the course changed their learning. They cover dozens of languages and learners at different levels of advancement - from total monolingual beginners to hyperpolyglots. The only thing they have in common is the results they are getting.

You won't find any other course that's universal for all the languages and enables such progress. That's a promise.

PRO-TIP: To find testimonials for a specific language or other keywords, click "ctrl + f", and type in the phrase.


I can learn more than 30 words per day!

Before this course I thought that I need to acquire grammar rules naturally. Now I know that it is better and faster to learn them actively, even if this is hard work to do. I can learn more than 30 words per day. I was able to learn 895 words in a month. After three weeks I could make simple sentences. It shocked me because I tried to learn languages in the past and I gave up each time.

Slawomir Onyszko Languages: Russian, English

Vocabulary Labs makes 99% of other materials useless or irrelevant

The general goal was "having a better understanding of efficient learning strategies, in order to use them for further future applications (not limited to additional languages)". I can already confidently say that it was achieved beyond every expectation. The focus on "first principles" and the variegated tips here and there make all the difference; now I have to apply them and get the results! One of the true tests of the usefulness of a piece of knowledge is the quantity of other information it makes useless over a long period of time: on an opportunity cost basis, if a given material is so useful that it makes 99% of other materials useless or irrelevant, then its usefulness is proven. It's the case with Vocabulary Labs.

Alessandro D. Languages: Russian and Ukrainian

One of the best investments in language learning that I have made

This course is so full of great information and ideas about learning a new language that it is like trying to drink from a fire hose. I can see how this course enables a person to become a polyglot and learn new languages quickly and easily. It is one of the best investments in language learning that I have made. Thank you for your efforts.

John G. Language: Spanish

The most useful material about language learning I've ever read

I've learned about 800 words so far. I started slowly as I was reading through the course but over the last few weeks I've been much better at sticking to my target of 25 Anki notes each day. I feel like I've got good momentum now so I expect the number of words I know to rise quickly.

Thanks again for your help. I go back to your course every couple of days and reread sections. I still think it's the most useful material about language learning I've ever read.

Andrew F. Language: Italian

One of the few courses that are worth the time and money.

I have already started with EVA and IAM Anki cards. It is making a difference....IAM method makes a lot of sense to put it into Anki ....yet I never did previously! So thank you.

I look forward to applying all this to a European language, as I think the results will be amazing. One of the few courses that are worth the time and money.

Simon F. Language: Chinese

Encoding 60 words + in 1 hour + having more fun

I've now been able to simplify my approach for entering new words/phrases/collocations and have been having more fun with the whole process of learning. Before it took me on average 60 minutes to enter 25 nouns/words with their monolingual definitions into my vocab learning system (and I wasn't really learning the words until I started the review process the day after or later), now I'm able to easily enter 60+ in 60 minutes, and I've already started the learning process while I'm making the 2-5 word phrase/sentence cards. This has made the whole process of vocab learning more intuitive and straightforward.

Jackson H. Language: Italian

Swedish from scratch to a B2 level in 8 months

Bartosz was recommended to me by my colleagues who also learned Swedish. I heard from them that thanks to his methods I can learn how to speak quickly. However, I did not expect that it can happen that fast. I attended our first classes with the assumption that I will learn Swedish in a couple of years, but as it turned out, I achieved fluency (B2) after 8-9 months of learning from scratch with 1 hour of classes per week,

Joanna Polubok, MD Language: Swedish

I realized how much energy I was wasting before

First of all, congratulations on the high quality of the course! I'm glad to have joined it. I realized how much energy I was wasting with my studies, as now I write more than 40 flashcards per day with the EVA method with less energy than I was using to write 17 with my old methods.

I also noticed a big improvement in my retrieval and I'm more confident to speak 80% in German with my partner. As I am studying without a tutor, I'm monitoring my progress by counting the time I am studying and the new flashcards that I write.

Juliana C. Language: German

1000+ new vocabulary per month by putting in just 1-2 hours per day.

Previously, I would laugh at anyone who tell me that I can acquire 1000+ new vocabulary per month by putting in just 1-2 hours per day. Now it's entirely possible because of Vocabulary Labs.

Now I'm finding and learning new 30-50 words everyday. Previously, I didn't have any plan and normally encountered new words through readings. At best, I could pick up 5-10 new words a day and I was likely to forget the meanings of those words within a few days.

Jatupol P. Language: English

Russian from scratch to an A2 level in 3 weeks

My original goal was A1 in Russian. I'm close to finish the A2 vocabulary list only with EVA method (after 3 weeks of learning).

Cristophe C. Language: Russian

4000 Thai words in 1 year

I have been using ideas from your course a lot, even though I've not been in touch. I've adapted them a bit, to suit me, but they've been very useful to me and I've learned about 4000 words in the last year, of Thai study! (I'm focusing more on passive vocab/recognition now to increase the pace, of understanding advanced material, but still) very helpful.

You really have some great ideas and a good insight into applying memory research. I've been using some of your ideas with my English students too when I teach. Thank you!

Paul J. Language: Thai

More progress in the last few months than I've made studying Irish since I was 14 !

I'm LOVING VL. The last few months have been crazy but it's really been helpful to log into it on my phone so I can even read through it while walking my dog It's more progress in the last (lame! ha!) a few months following EVA very inconsistently than I've made studying Irish since I was 14 freaking years old (turning 30 in a few weeks, so...yikes tons of time wasted with Irish "sources" over the years.)

Seriously I cannot even begin to explain how much better the progress has been even though my consistency and time spent has truly been LAME to say the least...I can THINK in Irish better and more often than even taking a college-level class allowed! Blown away!

Ashley T. Language: Irish

German from A2 to B2 in 4 months

Thanks to VL I jumped from A2 to B2 in 4 months. Bartosz knows what is effective at every language level. For example, I read a lot before, because it seemed obvious to me that it's effective but it turned out that reading to level B2 is unnecessary and slows you down. I highly recommend him.

Adrian P. Language: German

One of the best investments I have made for my language learning

First of all, I just wanted to tell you that I’ve gotten through the entire course (for the first time) and so I’ve really loved it. This has absolutely been one of the best investments I have made for my language learning, and I know I will continue to reference the course for years to come. Thank you so much for your hard work!

Halle S. Language: German

I have gotten to roughly A2/early B1-ish in Russian listening comprehension thanks to your course and advice.

Thank you so much. I think I have gotten to roughly A2/early B1-ish in Russian listening comprehension thanks to your course and advice. I honestly didn't think I could do it, to be honest. Russian seemed so foreign and weird compared to French and Spanish!

Dan B. Language: Russian

Doing flashcards is fast and fun now!

I used to spend way too much time creating flashcards!! Now it is fast and fun! And reviewing them is fun too!!

Alexandra F. Language: Spanish

2000 French words this year!

Vocabulary Labs has helped me a lot - I have learned over 2000 new French words this year on anki, and my Italki teacher says I'm making great progress. I think I would've made much more progress if this year wasn't so crazy, of course!

Clare M. Language: French

I never thought learning 200 German words in 5 days would actually be possible.

I just wanted to say thank you for this awesome course. I never thought learning 200 German words in 5 days would actually be possible.

Will G. Language: German

Vocabulary Labs will provide you with a clear route to success in language learning

Vocabulary Labs will provide you with a clear route to success in language learning. It's cuts out the waffle and gets straight to the point!

For me, it seems the key things are to focus on building vocabulary and grammar through actively using the language, starting with small chunks of language and continuing to build up - and therefore learning actively.

David A. Languages: French and German

This course is fascinating

This course is fascinating. I find myself more and more intrigued as I go.

Dave H. Language: Spanish

EVA method is definitely solving acquisition problems I was having. 

I created about 150 over 2 days so far. And, almost immediately I encountered some of the words both in the hobbit, and reading Italian news! EVA method is definitely solving acquisition problems I was having.

David P. Language: italian

From B1 to B2 in Norwegian as judged by KompetanseNorge over the course of 6 month

Extremely comprehensive course. I went from B1 to B2 in Norwegian as judged by KompetanseNorge over the course of 6 months using the EVA method. After realizing what I had been doing was the polar opposite of what one should be doing when learning a new language, I scrapped what I was doing and restructured my learning strategy accordingly. Bartosz is there along the way and is a great resource for all and any of your questions, which is a big help when tailoring your learning plan to your language level.

Kim O. Language: Norrwegian

From a very beginner level to passing the Icelandic language state exam in just two months

In the fall of 2019 I used your E.V.A method in combination with a personal tutor to cram myself into readiness for the Icelandic language state exam required of national citizenship applicants. My tutor was very surprised and impressed that I was able to go from a very beginner level to the level required to pass the 2-hour exam in just two months.

Devin N. Language: Icelandic

La mezcla entre aprender activo y pasivo es increíblemente fuerte

He logrado mucho por sus métodos; tengo 3000 tarjetas en Anki y he tenido una tarjeta por cada palabra en los mazos de Español en que no conocía antes de empezar Vocabulary Labs. Ahora, estoy añadiendo casi 20 tarjetas cada día y enfocándome en mi escucha. La mezcla entre aprender activo y pasivo es increíblemente fuerte. Estoy muy contento con mi progreso.

Muchas gracias por su ayuda.

Gregory H. Language: Spanish

100 new Kyrgyz words per week

I have learned 740 words in my Kyrgyz Anki Deck, and approximately 600 in my Russian one so far. I add 20 words every weekday to my Kyrgyz deck. (100 a week) I can string some basic sentences together, but I need more practice. I am surprised that I can understand news headlines most of the time.

There is still a ton I don't know, and having a concrete learning system helps see the progress I am making.

Juan Carlos J. Languages: Kyrgyz, Russian

I have stumped my language teacher!

Memorizing became so easy that a few times, it happened to me that my American teacher didn't know the words that I used and learned from a dictionary!

Jakub S. English

This course is definitely my best language learning purchase!

This course is definitely my best language learning purchase! I was really impressed by the scientific studies and citations used in this course. VL was definitely designed to be effective and efficient, and I find the research behind Vocabulary Labs really sets it apart from other courses.

Overall, the EVA and IAM methods really improved my vocabulary acquisition, and I hope to truly see these results in my B1/B2 exam this April. Thank you so much for putting together this course, and taking the time to learn how to optimize language learning. I found this course truly insightful and I greatly appreciate your hard work! Thanks Again!

Dorian A. Languages: German

My goal is over, and I succeeded!

So my goal is over, and I succeeded! (okay, I won't celebrate too much, as the target wasn't so hard: 14 new words a day for ~6 weeks, to learn 700 new words). But at the start while I was kinda slow, near the end I was going very quickly. My estimated known words for news articles rose from ~97.6% to ~98.6% (+/- random skew).

So now I have another mini goal: 1000 words in ~two months in Icelandic (going there at the end of February). Anyway, thanks again for vocabulary labs!

Richard G. Languages: German, Icelandic

From being frustrated to easily creating 40 cards (20 Dutch and 20 French) in under an hour.

I've been really happy with how the E.V.A method is improving my efficiency, especially compared to how I used to make Anki flashcards. In the past I was asking too much of my memory (recalling entire phrases or remembering translations for whole sentences) and as a result I often had to click "again" many times on the same card. Some cards would be so impossible to memorize that I ended up deleting them out of frustration. I also spent so much time making one card by adding multiple sentences, pictures, and the Forvo sound.

Now, I am able to easily create 40 cards (20 Dutch and 20 French) in under an hour. The French goes much faster because it's my stronger language but my Dutch pace has been picking up. What's more is that the review sessions are so effortless.

Jazmin B. Languages: Dutch and French

From 5-9 words per day to 19 with less time spent

Your approach is much than the one presented by others. You have to learn actively and first build a vocabulary to understand something. And as you have said several times, your methods have been tested.

I used to do 5-9 words a day on average. Now, in the first month, I have averaged 19 words a day. Now I can repeat 250 cards faster than 100 before. Not bad.

Ivan P. Language: German

Clearly better than anything else I’ve experienced!

Just wanted to say that your approach to learning languages is clearly better than anything else I’ve experienced!

Oscar E. Language: Chinese

Learning Russian and Spanish in 4 months!

Even though Hani already had an extensive language background before she started the course, with the help of strategies from Vocabulary Labs she managed to learn Russian and Spanish in 4 months. She documented her progress on her YouTube channel. You can watch it here and don't forget to congratulate her! That's a crazy feat!

Hani Languages: Russian and Spanish

The ultimate pack of methods you need to acquire a new language

Bartosz made an ultimate pack of methods you need to acquire a new language.

He covered every angle of learning process: common mistakes which most of learners do, techniques for remembering new words and practice speaking without anxiety, the main aspects of grammar which we should give our primary attention to.

If you are stuck learning a language (no matter what it is, Russian, Spanish, German, etc.) - try this course!

Алексей Д. Language: English

German from scratch to a B2 certificate in 5 months

Read a detailed case study here: How To Learn German From Scratch To a B2 Level In 5 Months: A Case Study

Never in my life have I thought that one can learn that fast! Results: learning German from scratch to a B2 level in 5 months and passing a B2 certificate.

Mathew Chwolka, MD Language: German

VL has completely changed the way I once viewed language learning.

I studied Italian for 3 years in high school but I don't know much, except for a few words. It was mostly just filling in the blanks and not 'real' learning. A complete and utter waste of time.

With Bartosz's methods (especially EVA), I have been able to notice words and remember them. VL has completely changed the way I once viewed language learning.

Ahmed Al Z. Language: Japanese

One of the greatest investment I did for my education

I am working everyday following your great approach and I can tell you that it is one of the greatest investment I did for my education. I'm very satisfied with my progress and I can tell you that your approach is really awesome!

Marcelo A. Language: English

Different than the rest

I was skeptical when I started VL. There are a lot of courses that promise a lot but deliver little. Your lab, however, is well researched with support for each step you have developed. The steps use proven methods to develop language-oriented memory.

Dennis W. Language: Spanish

You don't need years spent abroad to master a language!

Bartosz is a role model and an example of how you don't need purse-draining courses, or years spent abroad to master a language. Sorry, I know this has been my excuse for years... Bartosz has a cheaper and equally effective way of doing it and his very own techniques and tips about how to learn fast.

Magdalene B. Language: German

The solid advice you provided was crucial in my language learning experience

I just want to say that I truly enjoyed going through Vocabulary Labs. Got a whole lot more from it than from the €500 worth, poorly structured, let's have 'fun' while learning, waste of time 'Dutch speaking course' that I've had enrolled in roughly the same time I bought your course (that was back in February this year).

The solid advice you provided was crucial in my language learning experience and it greatly improved the pace I was going.

Bogdan S. Language: Dutch

I passed a C2 level exam for Portuguese!!!

I wanted to tell you that the course has helped me a lot. I signed up for the course when I was preparing myself for the Celpe-Bras (the international certification for Brazilian Portuguese) and this morning I got the results. I passed the exam with the C2 level! So I wanted to thank you because your course really helped me to achieve my goal. Now I'm going to continue the course to improve my Japanese skills. Thank you!

Marcelo A. Languages: Portguese, Japanese

Helpful for studying both lesser-known languages and visual languages.

I can say that I found the course helpful for studying both lesser-known languages and visual languages.

I'm currently studying British Sign Language, so there are not many free online courses or places to practise in well-known options like Duolingo, Memrise, the main language learning books.

It's been useful to create my own online revision course ​(with Vocabulary Labs).

Alison C. Language: British Sign Language

Vocabulary Labs built the strongest foundation possible for my language acquisition.

Tom and I visited Hamburg for a week in September, and I was able to navigate most interactions entirely in German. He was surprised that almost no one spoke English, even on the university campus and surrounding town. Tom is suddenly and inexplicably motivated to learn the language.

Vocabulary Labs built the strongest foundation possible for my language acquisition. I've now spent more than 350 hours immersing in German videos, live streams, and audiobooks while reading along. I'm able to understand the meaning of most of what I hear and read, and I can't believe it. I'M LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE!!! I'll be submitting an application to an (English language) graduate program, and if accepted, we'll move to Germany in late August 2023.

Abigail L. Language: German

40-5o Finnish words per week with 30-40 minutes of learning per day

I learned around 1100 words last year by just studying during the half an hour that it takes to go to work by train.

Your tips really helped. My goal is 40-50 new German words a week since I only dedicate about 30-40 minutes a day.

I hope your training becomes a big success, you deserve it!

Alberto A. Language: German and Finnish

I am finally learning more words

At last i don't spend all my time on repetitions, but on learning new words.

Tadeusz D. Language: English

I learn my 20 words, repeat older words and I have some free time

In the past, I learned my 20 words per day at the bus. I wasn't able to learn them regularly because of too many repetitions and lack of time. Now, I learn my 20 words, repeat older words and I have some free time. That's a speed !

This is the course with the most useful information and the most practical methods!

Ivana H. Language: English


I have managed to learn over 1000 words in a couple of weeks.

I have managed to learn over 1000 words in a couple of weeks. These represent some hundreds of words I had problems with in Memrise. Mostly because they were to abstract, needed much content or had a lot of different confusing meanings.

This is by far the best course for independent learning, becoming an seasoned autodidact and an efficient polyglot. It uses simplicity and well tested concept that works.

The course was focused on simplicity in all its details. This I do really appreciate. I, myself usually make things too complicated to be meaningful. And making everything yourself. Do-It-Yourself is somehow deep in the Swedish cultural DNA.

Johan P. Language: Russian

2000 Russian words in 3 months + a better listening comprehension

I have made so much progress in regards to the size of my vocabulary since I started using your methods in January! I didn't know my exact vocabulary size when I started VL, but I have since added 2000 more words to it! My knowledge of each word is admittedly at varying levels of recall—some I actively use, some I can only recognise in context. Some I learnt to simply spite my partner when he saw my list and said "you will never need to know this word" 😂

I have been refraining from listening practice, as I have finally realised the futility of trying to comprehend natural speed Russian when my word bank is relatively small compared to that of whoever I am listening to! I am using audio on my flashcards, as well as saying each word/phrase aloud. I have noticed some progress though! A few days ago I was listening to partner speak to his family on the phone and realised this week that I am understanding a lot more than I did a few months ago!

I am going to continue expanding my vocabulary, at this current rate of around 20 words per day on average.

Erin J. Language: Russian

The course has fundamentally changed the way I study

Even in this short time I can already see a huge difference. My mood is lighter and I feel less stressed. It has really forced me to focus on very small pieces of the language at one time and that has greatly reduced my anxiety. I also feel like I can already see some patterns in the grammar of the language that I hadn't noticed before.

The course has fundamentally changed the way I study. I now get excited about creating new notes in Anki, whereas before it was a huge chore. I just think of some collocations or very simple sentences that I want to say and look them up. Then I add them to my deck. And as I learn words I actually get to use them in creating brand new sentences. They aren't just rattling around in my brain but are instead getting actively used. So easy and, most importantly, so relevant to me. I get excited because I'm not just following someone else's lesson plan but relating it all to my own life! What a concept, eh?

Eric A. Language: German

The progress I've made using your methods is absolutely insane!

What was most amazing to me, is that a couple weeks ago, at the end of the spring semester, when I was teaching a lot, figuring out online teaching because of the pandemic, and didn't have a lot of time for language learning, I looked at the iphone statistics about how much time I actually spend using ANKI, and realized I was only doing about 20 minutes a day of EVA, and not even using your other methods at all! And yet, I have been making steady, unmistakable progress, and my German is quite a bit stronger now than it was three months ago. For an often half-assed, 20 minutes a day of learning (plus, to be fair, a couple of hours a weekend, most weeks, of encoding new flashcards and deep learning), the progress I've made using your methods is absolutely insane! I'm really excited to see how fast I learn this summer, when I try to activate your methods more fully and have a little more time!

I will add that it was doing this course that made me realize that language learning could be a sustainable, daily part of my life indefinitely. I had been in a sort of binge and crash mode of language learning (think intensive summer course followed by no studying for months). Now I see that slow and steady does win the race when you use methods that actually allow you to progress and active vocabulary every day, even if you only study a few minutes. I went from intermittent, slow, and frustrating stop and start progress, to learning new words every day and getting steadily more confident and comfortable with the language.

Bernard Lillis Languages: Dutch, German

I've managed to improve my learning systems

Before working with Bartosz, I was already a seasoned language learner. However, I felt I was missing a few systems that would allow me to automatize my language learning, to make sure the process would be as painless and efficient as possible. The sessions with Bartosz forced me to look deeply into my systems and, with his help, I managed to improve them so that they would fit my needs. Bartosz is extremely knowledgeable on everything that concerns long-term memorization, learning automation, and breaking down complex problems, which turn out to be very useful skills even outside of language learning. All in all, Bartosz has had a tremendous impact on my approach as a language learner, and I'd recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone who is serious about taking their languages to the next level.

Ricardo Ribeiro Language: Polish

I can't even describe the impact the course had on my language learning journey!

Hi Bartosz! I just wanted to share with you my 3-month update.

To cut a long story short: it has been extremely great so far. I've been learning multiple languages for a couple of years now, and even though most people would suggest against doing it, I'm doing it with a lot of pleasure.

I can't even describe the impact the course had on my language learning journey. But just to give you an example, here is a short anecdote. In January 2020 I started learning Japanese. It wasn't my first experience with the language, but I had never learned it seriously before that time. So I started out by using a textbook. After a few months, I took another textbook and took another one after a while. In the blink of an eye, 2020 was over, and my Japanese were (almost) the same as a few months after I had started.

In March, I took up VL after reading your blog for a good while. In 3 months I've learned: around 600 Japanese words out of the 650 +/- required for the JPLT N5 (I hope to learn the remaining ones by the next few weeks), around 600 German words taken from my dictionary, around 700 English words taken from my dictionary as well, around 600 Norwegian words taken from a frequency list.

I could have never achieved all of this without the course. Best decision I have ever made.

Lorenzo F. Languages: Japanese, English, German, Norwegian

First 500 word in 2 weeks!

Taking part in Vocabulary Labs course was my best decision when it comes to learning a foreign language so far. The course is very practical and science-based. It will teach you how to learn foreign language on your own in an effective way step by step without spending extra money on additional courses, books and so on. It's up to you how long will it take to achieve your goal.

I started to learn Swedish using methods from this course and within 2 weeks I learned 500 new words. The man who created this course - Bartosz Czekała was very supportive at any time when I needed help with my learning. I recommend taking part in it!

Agnieszka C. Language: Swedish

I’ve doubled my vocabulary acquisition without really trying

Vocabulary Labs provides a phenomenal boost to learning another language. I’ve doubled my vocabulary acquisition without really trying! Bartosz has so much material in this course that I feel as though I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Initially, I thought that the price was at the upper end of my “comfortable” range. Now, having completed the course, I feel as if it would’ve been a bargain at double the price -- or more. The course was laid out logically and contained so much material that I’ve already revisited many of the suggestions multiple times. Every time I reread an area, I discover new insights. And, with lifetime access, how can you go wrong?

** 2 months after finishing the course)

In the past month, I’ve learned 1550 words and only have 450 to go before my “2000 frequency list” is all in Anki.

Mike B. Language: French

Vocabulary Labs has changed the way I look at language learning

Thank you so much for making the program and offering it at such a reasonable price - Vocabulary Labs has indeed changed the way I look at language learning.

Mostly, I've gained a better grasp of the theory behind language learning, so why to choose certain methods (so I can be, as you say, an independent learner). You didn't merely tell us what to do, you showed the science and the reasoning behind each strategy. I've learned quite a bit about memory and learning in general over the past year or so, and Vocabulary Labs bridged the gap between memory-knowledge and language-learning-knowledge beautifully.

The thing I most appreciate about Vocabulary Labs is that your approach is eminently balanced and reasonable. It was such a breath of fresh air - e.g. "Yes, passive learning works, anything works eventually, it's just going to take forever." Because most people will either insist on only passive learning, or condemn it entirely. Now I feel I understand how passive and active learning interact: active learning gets the information into the brain the first time, and passive learning builds up a web of context to fix the information and deepen understanding of it & ease of use.

As for the practical side, your strategies are likewise eminently sensible. For instance, simply... making a new EVA card when you get the old one wrong, and putting the synonyms in superscript. As obvious as these now sound, I never thought of them during two years of beating myself over the head with some stale card over and over, and guessing synonyms until I cringed every time I flipped some cards. I've been using Anki since I started Spanish, and my method has evolved from very painstaking cards with pictures and sound, to very suboptimal LingQ flashcards that I'm now converting to EVA, to EVA and I don't believe I'll ever have to switch again. EVA is elegant and versatile.

Also, your writing style is entertaining and varied. It certainly backs up your methods that you're so fluent in English you flexibly and creatively use words and expressions that aren't even in my active vocabulary as a fairly well-read native speaker! and it makes the course a lot of fun to read. But at any rate, after going through Vocabulary Labs I already look at my language-learning differently; because I have a better grasp on the deepest essentials of what my brain has to do to acquire the language, I feel a lot more prepared to learn and confident in which strategies will help me.

Abigail L. Language: Spanish

I was able to navigate most interactions entirely in German!

"Tom and I visited Hamburg for a week in September, and I was able to navigate most interactions entirely in German. He was surprised that almost no one spoke English, even on the university campus and surrounding town. Tom is suddenly and inexplicably motivated to learn the language.

Vocabulary Labs built the strongest foundation possible for my language acquisition. I've now spent more than 350 hours immersing in German videos, live streams, and audiobooks while reading along. I'm able to understand the meaning of most of what I hear and read, and I can't believe it. I'M LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE!!! I'll be submitting an application to an (English language) graduate program, and if accepted, we'll move to Germany in 2023"

Abby Language: German

I stopped wasting my time on the things that do not matter

Profession: Periodontist

After a month of joining the course I am seeing an overall improvement in my study. Firstly, I stopped wasting my time on the things that do not matter. Secondly, I now optimize my time properly with Anki. lastly. I have seen tremendous advancement in my Grammar knowledge.

In April, I did placement test on https://french.kwiziq.com/ (this site concentrate mostly on grammar) and I was at A1 level according to it. I did not study at all in May and June. On 13 July I joined the vocabulary labs. On 14 August, out of curiosity, I made a new account for the placement test and to my surprise, I was given B1. Other than that I also got B2 certificate from Bussu on 9 August.


Before starting the course my vocabulary size was 800. And Current vocabulary size is 1800. That means 1000 new words learned in 38 days = around 26 words per day.

Dhiren Patel Language: French

I started learning Portuguese about 7 months ago and have learned more than 3000 words so far.

I started learning Portuguese about 7 months ago and have learned more than 3000 words so far. My goal is to achieve B1 fluency before the end of the year and I am getting there.

My biggest thanks go out to you. This course is just incredible! I am awestruck! I spent at least 300 - 500 hours going through it and contemplating the material. The best about it is that you explain why so wonderfully well. Your work is helping me in setting and achieving goals I never thought possible! There will be a day I speak at least 5 languages. And it won't be too far from now. And that will just be one of my learning projects.

Thanks again for this awesomeness you're creating. Can't wait to go deeper with the other course you created (expert Incubator) and become and embody the wisdom of a polymath :)

Julian J. Languages: Portuguese

I am learning anywhere from 20 to 60 words per day!

I love the EVA method and I am so much more confident with my English now. I feel better at work, but also I'm reading my first novels in English, and I'm surprised how much about a normal book I understand. I'm also learning about a lot of things (in youtube and blogs) that I never would have time for learning. For example learning about surfing, mixing music, songwriting, how to make beer, etc. Everything is a good excuse to get new words to fill Anki up 😛

I'm investing 10 - 20 minutes to review the due words, after that If I have time that day, I look for contents I like and get new words that I write in Anki with the EVA methods. I invest then between 1 and 2 hours depending on time, how much fun I'm having, etc. There are days where I end up with 20 new words, and there are days where I end up with 60 new ones

I think if I continue like this in the next months, probably by the end of 2020 I'm gonna be in a very high C1 level, which is now my goal. After that I would like to do the same EVA method with German and get my C1 German level to be as thorough as possible.

José C. Language: English

I loved the course - well on the way to achieving my goal of B1/B2

This course is great. At this stage, I can’t even evaluate it there is so much in it. But what I can say is I have adopted some of the basic techniques. My learning strategies - or lack of them - have changed for the better and I feel like I learn something every day. This is motivation to keep at it and I am now much more organised, not flitting from one thing to another. I actually enjoy it! On days when I have less time or when I’m tired, the very least I do is vocabulary on Anki ( using EVA method of course) and this has changed the way I think about Anki that I used to find a drudge. Then finding I can use it for grammar was also an eye opener for me. My grammar map is such a great focus and measure of achievement too - really, I can’t believe I was so sloppy before!

I am well on the way to achieving my goal of B1/B2 and then of course I can start on another language and use good techniques right from the start. I found the course interesting at all times and well researched through articles and your own experiences. So, for me, it’s great to know the science behind a method and it gives me confidence to use it. It’s also fantastic to have lifetime access to the course as I know for sure I won’t remember everything here. So thanks once again, I loved the course.

Mary T. Language: Spanish

More progress with 20 minutes per day than ever before!

Although at present I devote about 20 minutes a day to study, I see that I have learned more than in the last month, going to ordinary language classes.

The beginnings were not easy, because it is difficult to change habits concerning the ways of learning, but I have already managed to convince myself that it is worth it. I recommend this training to everyone, especially those who say it is too late for them to learn a new language. Bartosz's methods show that it is not as difficult as it may seem.

Anna K. Language: Swedish

I'm now incomparably more confident and don't feel tongue tied.

First I wanted to let you know some good news to show your course is definitely working. When I first did the vocabulary test I scored at 95%. This morning I read 4 articles at C2 level and am up to 97.7%, so I'm really happy thanks. It's given me a real boost to see clear evidence that going bat shit crazy every day trying to fit in Italian every moment I can is paying off :D.

The grammar is also working brilliantly - deep learning is a real game changer and I'm learning and remembering various tenses a lot quicker. Same for the speaking where I'm now incomparably more confident and don't feel tongue tied.

Learning pace: 3500 words in the first 4 months

Tristan C. Language: Italian

Italian from scratch to an A2 level in 6 weeks / 15 minutes per day

Thanks to new tools I learned during the course, I save now more time, can prepare my own learning material and have it all in one place. I get the advantage of the short periods of spare time during the day rather than sitting down and studying. Now I don't consider learning as a tiresome activity.

Starting from scratch and after a 6-week period I could perfectly read and understand Readers Books on an A2 level in Italian (understanding almost 90-95%) of the content). I acquired more than 700 new words (with context phrases). I am aware I could have done it better but taking into account that I spent only 15 min daily on learning I find the results impressive.

Anna M. Language: Italian

Thank you for this amazing course!

Thank you very much for this amazing language course. I can say that he greatly exceeded all my expectations. With this language course, I can no longer have any excuses for not knowing what to do to improve myself. I can say that from the beginning to the end it was a great adventure and a very interesting read. Therefore, I say that "reading" or "learning" is just beginning. I know I won't be a rocket right from the start, even though "I have received enough fuel", but I will try to make the snail gradually become a faster beetle :). It will still be a long road for me, but I already have much more light on it than before (an illuminated highway), and therefore I will probably reach milestones on this road gradually.

I look forward to continuing this course and will guide me through my learning. Thank you for your methods to help everyone who is trying to learn a new language and I wish you much more success on this journey.

Miroslav K. Language: English


From an A2 to a B2 level in 6 weeks vocabulary-wise

This course was the best possible means of getting from level A to level B in the shortest amount of time. The writing was leavened with humor, to the point, and very convincing. The wealth of information was truly astounding. I found more sources with which to proceed on my own than ever I thought existed. There's no need to go elsewhere, as this source answered all questions and provided the means of going forward when it comes to language acquisition.

In the past, I had a pile of books that I was sloughing through prior to signing up for this course, and I experienced the freedom possible when getting away from them and sticking with a dictionary and phrases that made it possible to talk about my interests and history, which I wouldn't have been able to do had I stayed with traditional methods.

I went from an A2 level to almost B2 in the past six weeks, at least from the number of vocabulary items specified.

For example, I took apart some film subtitles in my target language to study vocabulary and grammar with via Anki. Watching the original films again, I was able to understand better than 70% of the dialog. Prior to this exercise, I was only able to understand maybe 35-40% of the film.

Bruno Z. Language: Croatian

From A1 to B1/B2 in German in four months + landing a job!

Four months ago, I moved to the German-speaking part of Switzerland for personal reasons. In order to find a job in my field here, it is critical to speak the language. So, I set myself the objective of learning German as fast as I could and purchased Vocabulary Labs because of that.

In less than 4 months, I managed to go from A1 to B1/B2 level and I managed to find a job with an interview done in German. The interviewees even complimented me on my level! I lost count at the number of people that were shocked to see how well I could communicate with having studied only a few months.

Vocabulary Labs has been key to this success. It helped me to clearly set the objectives and the path. It made the messy process of learning a language fairly clear, by showing the key information that I needed to acquire in order to learn a language, making it much more efficient and manageable.

Despite not being fully consistent with the studying (I stopped a few times for a few days or even weeks because I was filling a bit burnout), I managed to progress at a speed that most people can't even believe. Although I had to put a lot of effort to improve so fast, the framework that is taught in this course definitely helped me to achieve success faster.

I would totally recommend this course. You will save both time and money!

P.S. I came from using FluentForever, so I was already familiar with Anki and the whole approach to spaced repetition. The E.V.A. method helps me speed up the creation of flashcards. With FluentForever, it would take me much longer (like 10x longer) to create each flashcard, so with the E.V.A. method, I can get more done.

Miquel M. Language: German

Over 2000 Korean words in 2 months

Got into mnemonics- stored... I wanna say ~300 words and a slew of grammar- it didn't stick so well cause its so abstract-basically tags you stick on words. I revised a lot, but similarly, it seemed like a game where it wasn't all applicable to conversation. Lately with the textbook I've studied from I've picked up words in context of sentences, but its goofy textbook stuff that makes my eyes bleed. what you've said about encoding really intrigued me, because so much of my conscious learning has flopped and basically (at least 70%) been short term memory stored-whereas some words I learn in some situations are seared into my brain forever.

Hey Bartosz! I know a bit over 2,000 altogether now after 2 months, so now clawing my way to the 3,000 benchmark. Sometime since your last email (maybe 3 weeks) I've been doing 26 words a day, though there has been a couple of days life got in the way, and a couple I've added more than 30. Basically been improving with EVA system all around, phrases and words are jumping into my head often. Doing it faster too.

Joe C. Language: Korean

Every Danish person I've met has been shocked when I told them that I never went to language school, and that I studied totally by myself with your course in a year.


My name is Moe, and I'm a Japanese woman who subscribed to Vocabulary Labs in 2022.

I wanted to tell you how much your course has helped achieve so much in the last 2 years since.

Back then, I was trying to learn Danish, as I was planning to quit my job in Japan,

move to Denmark, and pursue an artistic/design education there from 2023.

I had no idea how to learn a new language as I had learned English naturally when I was little,

so upon going through several websites and online materials, I came across your website around the summer of 2022..

It seemed very intriguing so I subscribed, went step by step through all of the chapters,

mastered how to use ANKI, and started to study Danish almost every day from then on.

I had a year until I was going to leave for Denmark, so during that year, I studied 20-50 words every day, and left Japan in 2023 with around 6000 words in my vocabulary.

I hadn't really practiced speaking Danish, but as soon as I arrived, I could already understand quite a lot,and was able to follow along in the classes at a preparatory design school I had signed up to.

I could even have conversations with the Danish people that I met.

Every Danish person I've met has been shocked when I told them that I never went to language school, and that I studied totally by myself with your course in a year.

And what's more, Danish is infamous for its impossibly hard pronunciation, but I get compliments all the time for it (which I got to develop, thanks to your method of making ANKI cards with audio).

Since then, with the help of the ANKI cards and exposure to the language,

my Danish has improved a lot, and I was able to get a job at a local elementary school here,

while also getting into a design university, which was my initial goal.

I was able to go through all of the admission processes, including an exam and an interview, entirely in Danish.

And although I hadn't met the Danish Language requirements (all foreigners were required to take an official Danish test, but I had missed that information and was unable to take it), at the interview, the teachers were so impressed by my Danish skills that they were willing to overlook the rule and make an exception.

I am starting school in around a week, and now I am living in Denmark, with a bank account and an apartment here, all of which I've been able to acquire, thanks to your course that enabled me to get proficient in Danish.

Compared to English or Japanese I'm not as fluent yet, but I can understand everything people are saying now, and I'm confident in my abilities to convey whatever I want to say.

Sorry it got pretty long. But words can't describe how grateful I am to you, and how much your course has helped me. If only there was a Japanese translation as well! So many of my Japanese friends could learn English with this method.

Thank you so much Bartosz, for creating this Vocabulary Labs course, and for helping people like me,who are trying to create their own paths in a foreign country.

I'm forever grateful that I stumbled across your website in 2022.

Thank you for reading this amidst your busy schedule.

I wish you all the best!


1000 words per month = Vocabulary Labs is the very best thing I ever came across.

I was using ANki already before enrolling in this course but was using it not efficient (I used a shared deck with the Russian word in front and the translation at the back). I tried to learn 20 words a day, but I was almost unable to get anything stick. Sure, when I saw the word I could often think of the translation, but when encountering the word 'in the wild' or when I needed to recall the word, I got zero. I had almost given up on ANKI already when I encountered your course. Before I was reading many articles on how you should learn a language fast, most advised passive learning as a language hack. About a week ago I read several of those articles and was able to see how inefficient their methods actually are. I always tried to make language learning as effortless as possible, most passively and accidentally acquiring vocab along the way, but now I see that how I am learning now actually is the most effortless way, because it concentrates your attention and saves you tons of time.

At the beginning of the course, I thought it would be nice to be able to learn 30 new words a day, but it appeared so easy for me that I am currently learning 45 new words a day, plus I am working my way through two movies in Anki and I even have time left to learn other things I am interested in with ANKI as well, coding as an example.

I am currently learning with a speed of about 1000 words a month, and before I could have never even dreamed of such an incredible speed. Just in the past month I have added about 1800 words to my anki deck and can handle most of them without any problem

Vocabulary Labs is the very best thing I ever came across. I have never learned a language that fast - I learn about one thousand words a month! It totally changed my attitude to learning languages and to learning in particular. Before enrolling in this course, I sometimes had the feeling of stumbling in a dark room and incidentally remembering something I encountered. Now I have a great system for everything - even for learning grammar, once my biggest nightmare... I would definitely recommend the course to everyone who is interested in learning a language ultra-fast!

Christel A. Language: Russian

More progress in a couple of weeks with Vocabulary Labs than during the past 3-4 years with any language.

I used to jump from one language to another as I wasn't feeling like I'm doing any real progress and learning a language seemed like a very slow process, which made me even try to learn 3 at the same time as I didn't want to wait until I would be able to speak multiple ones. Overall, I basically made all the mistakes from the Mistakes Module.

In regard to Polish, first as a disclaimer, I was able to read and knew the numbers up to 20 since 4 years ago, but I wouldn't know how to say more than "Mam na imię Adrian. Miło mi cię poznać" and had no idea what the individual words in the second phrase actually meant.

I started trying to learn this language again in the beginning of June, but not very intensively until the end of the same month, when I decided to focus more on it. During this time, I also went through most of the articles on Universe of Memory as well, which radically changed my opinion on language learning, but initially, I was still hesitant to take this course and waited for a while, which I now wish I didn't do.

This course provides effective methods for fast vocabulary acquisition and automation of language usage.

I'm not very organized as a learner and still working on this, but after only 2-4 weeks of mainly using:


- The EVA method,

- A frequency dictionary

- Speechnotes for pronunciation

- Google translate for some words I wanted/thought I need to learn on the spot

I was already able to make small talk. This also serves to prove one of the main takeaways from this course, that at least at lower levels it's better to keep a minimal amount of learning resources, as this reduces the cognitive load and activation energy and effectively speeds up the learning process.

I have yet to use all the methods from this course, but I already feel like I've done more progress during these weeks than I did during the past 3-4 years with any language.

I have a much easier time finding words I would be interested in learning. It takes less time to repeat the words due to different strategies. Overall my studying speed, for most of the days I managed to study new words, so far stayed at somewhere over 20 words per day, but this Friday I managed to learn over 33 I think, while I was traveling

Adrian R. Languages: Polish, German

I've earned the nickname of "Vocab Queen" with the pace of 35+ new words per day

VL changed the way I do flashcards. I can easily learn 40 words a day with a few simple methods introduced in the course. There's no fluff here - just how to set yourself up to learn a language in the most efficient way possible. I feel that there is a direct correlation between how well I adhere to what I've learned here and how efficiently my limited study time is spent.

I also like the emphasis on what will bring the greatest ROI, rather than "here's a random thing you should do that will probably help somehow" was very refreshing

Without spending a proportionately longer time studying than before, I've earned the nickname of "Vocab Queen" in my class, and have been known on occasion to come up with words quicker than my teacher, who is a native speaker! And I have a clear path to further decrease the time I spend, rather than feeling like I'm pushing the limits of what I can do in a day.

For example, I sustained adding 35-40 cards a day for a good 2 months straight - and although I've fallen a little recently I still easily surpass my previous goal.

I liked learning languages before, but now I feel like anything is possible

Anne C. Languages: Korean, Arabic

Learning pace of 30-40 words per day

This course is amazing. The language learning world is full of supposed experts all pushing their idea as being the only one that works. For a new language learner it is a painful process of trial and error because you have no idea who to believe. Luckily for me, part of my trial and error led to this course.

Unlike the ideas pushed by others of passive listening and reading, this course is much harder. It takes a lot of energy to work actively on the things that matter. The difference is this course WORKS.

It is based completely on science and is the work of a man who has been through a lot of the same trial and error as every one else. He doesn't just tell you what works, but WHY it works.

For me, I set out learning around 20 words a day. However, I was then lured away to people promising the world with much easier methods. None of them worked and I came back with a new determination because now I had solidified in my mind what does and does not work.

I am annoyed that I wasted a couple of months trying that stuff but the important thing is I came back. My vocabulary and grammar are now fast improving and for a beginner this is all that matters. The rest comes later. Most products relating to language learning I have ended up returning for refunds but for this course I would have paid double.

Finally, I need to mention the creator of this course Bartosz. He is truly amazing. He responds to ALL emails even long after you have purchased the course. He even discourages you from spending extra money on private lessons with him because he is happy to help you in email for free. He is unique in the language world because he does not have an ego and really cares about his clients.

Learning pace:

30 or 40 new words most days added to Anki.

** 6 weeks after finishing the course

Today I managed to read a Japanese newspaper article online and I would estimate I understood about 80 - 85% of it. Certainly I understood everything the article was trying to express. Little victories keep my motivation high!

** 2 months after finishing the course

I just thought I would tell you about my little successes recently. First I have saved money by cutting my weekly Japanese lessons from 5 to 3. I simply don't need them all now I have such a concrete plan.

Also, in line with your article about studying up to 3 fields of knowledge, I now also study Poker (played for a few years...badly) and some psychology.

Leon Mc. Languages: Japanese and Korean

I do not say this lightly: this course is a masterwork of human learning.

I just completed this course and I'm not one to give superlative praise nor to advertise other people's products, but what Bartosz Czekala did in creating this compilation is literally THE BEST language learning advice in the known universe right now.

Not a lot of material goes into detail with how to learn a language to near-native fluency. There's a reason for that--because apps and similar products really cater towards beginners because they are the largest marker. As a result, none of the answers on how to speak your target language like a native are really out there. And if they do, they're elusive. And the good news is that they're right here.

Within beginning the course and focusing more on language quality-over-quantity and on my heritage languages in particular, I found myself unstoppable when I applied the techniques. I could understand songs within a matter of a week or two of study. I found myself more capable of talking more like a college graduate rather than a high school student.

I found myself capable of understanding 99%+ of text in my best languages, and my ability to understand and speak Polynesian languages (Tahitian for the past few months, now focusing on Hawaiian) skyrocketed to something almost superhuman.

There is a very clear recipe to follow to get to a C2 level, which is sounding like an educated native speaker, and while it is not an instant magic potion it is laid out very clearly here with what to do to get there.

I do not say this lightly: this course is a masterwork of human learning, and you really only need two things to achieve that success. (1) the right techniques and (2) understanding how your memory works. That's it!

10/10. The literal best of the best.

Jared Gimbel (hyperpolyglot) Hawaiian, Yiddish, Tahitian, Swedish

From spinning her wheels to learning 2 French and Spanish at the same time with great results!

My learning is more coordinated. Every day I know what I will be doing. I am not wandering around the way I was before. I have more focus since I am channeling everything through ANKI which gives me the opportunity to review vocabulary, expressions, and grammar even while learning new concepts. All vocabulary from my high frequency list, italki sessions, and listening comprehension transcripts will be entered into ANKI. In this way, I anticipate moving forward at a more rapid pace. I will not need to be searching for notebooks for different tasks. I am really motivated now.

I feel that I have a lot of the pieces, but now I need to work on more opportunities to speak. Before I started this program, I could not remember my vocabulary and spent lots of time trying to remember as I reviewed. Now, the review process is much faster since I put more work in the learning phase...retention intention and meaning making. (Love those terms!). Also, I had been working on 2 languages at the same time.

Now I am focusing on intense French for 3 months and then I will move back to Spanish, but continue maintenance activities for French.I am also more goal oriented. I intend to be C1 in reading, writing, speaking and listening in 3 months. Possible? I am not sure. I may be about B2 now, so why not?

Vocabulary Labs provides a step-by-step program to guide language learners in acquiring vocabulary and grammar in an efficient and focused manner. No more jumping around!

Yes, I think now that I will make progress and will be able to move forward. C1 by October 1 in French! Goals, focus, meaning making!

Susan E. Languages: French and Spanish

Finnish from scratch to a B1 level in 3 months

Read a full case study: How to learn Finnish Fast – from scratch to a B1 level in 3 months

"I started using your method on May, 5th. On May 10th I realized I've already achieved more than after 2 months of Duolingo. And that's not because Finnish is easy and German is not. Actually, it's the other way around.

For the experiment to be totally honest, I chose a language which looks absolutely alien to me: Finnish. It has nothing in common with the languages I know, since it belongs to a different family.

(...) At the end of the third week of my experiment I found an online placement test offered by some Finnish language school in Moscow. The result was that they suggested I join their second semester group (which means I’d achieved in 3 weeks what they were studying for 4 months at the same price which I paid for your course).

The course has changed my perception of language learning so much that sometimes I feel my progress is slow. At this moment I remember my words “I’d call reaching A2-B1 in 3-4 months a tremendous success”. I know this phenomenon of greediness from my students, and now I’m experiencing it myself. Funny, but when I was doing Duolinguo making no progress whatsoever, I didn’t feel that I was going too slow.

Katrina Y. Language: Finnish

From being chaotic to learning over 4ooo Dutch and 500 Chinese words in 3 months

I think I'm learning a lot of vocabulary, words that I had no idea about at the start of the course are much more familiar to me now. I've also come across them in my listening too. Just from making the cards, I have a much better understanding of how 'words' work. I've also found that from my grammar cards, I'm now incorporating the grammar that I've learnt into new cards.

Conversation - general one to one conversations are going much better. I'm more confident about the grammar and the pronunciation. Also words come much faster.

I feel that I have progressed. Obviously with vocabulary, but also in my listening and speaking abilities. When speaking, if someone says you made mistake, in more cases am I now able to correct myself.

"(....) I have received a few compliments from people about my Dutch. Yesterday, I also managed to solve an administrative problem we had with a Telecom company. I was pleased that I didn't use google translate and my replies were quick (though probably with mistakes).

In a little bit over 90 days Chris learned:

Dutch - 4113 words
Chinese - 539 words

Chris R. Languages: Durch and Chinese

20-25 Italian words a day with retention rates at 85-95% + improving speaking and reading while living in Vietnam

The knowledge presented in vocab labs is incomparable with anything else I have encountered. I tried various things such as Fluent Forever, Duolingo, Memrise, Goldlist etc. As an English language teacher with many years of experience it was extremely frustrating being able to see that they are all deeply flawed, and seeing the amazing potential of ANKI, but not being able to find quite the right solution. In particular, I remember reading Bartosz's logical critique of Goldlist which instantly resonated with me, as well as seeing him reference academic work in support of his alternative ideas, such as by Paul Nation (an ESL / vocabularly acquisition expert you would only know about either by being in the field or doing serious research), which I haven't seen any of the other so-called polyglot experts online bother to do. As I started to read more by him, especially in the course itself, it was obvious that he had developed a comprehensive knowledge system allowing rapid learning but based on empiricism and an honest ethic of determination and hard work.

Q: How did your learning pace change thanks to the course? Can you provide some examples, anecdotes, breakthroughs, etc.?

My pace changed incomparably on three fronts:

1) Quantity of vocabulary memorized and retention rate - I went from learning a handful of words here and there to strictly learning 20-25 words a day with retention rates at 85-95%. This was incredible after hearing from so many other English teachers that this simply isn't possible.

2) Systematic learning of grammar - again I went from a random mess to buckling down and quickly and efficiently working through every tense in Italian to where I am automatic with nearly all of them.

3) Pace during a given revision slot. Learning Bartosz's methods hasn't just increased my workload - it's totally changed my conception of what it even actually means to concentrate for 1-3 hours. My work before was like that of a zombie in comparison to now when I can blast through 200-500 words on ANKI using 2-4 seconds a card and feeling laser focused and totally immersed.

Q: Did the course make you change your outlook on language learning? How?

When I was a teenager my French teacher told my mum that no amount of teaching would help me, and that I was a totally lost cause (after four years of classes I was still pronouncing the final t ). I was really despondent because I've always loved languages but I thought I was doomed to suck at them. Doing this course made me realise the idle natural genius is a myth, and it is entirely possible to succeed not just at learning a language, but any subject, if you follow a logical disciplined course.

Q: What are some of the things you have managed to achieve thanks to the course?

I am at C1 for reading in Italian (for example I can read university level Italian textbooks without any trouble), and I am at B2 in other areas. I live in Vietnam and don't know any Italians here so it's very difficult for me to practice speaking and listening, so it's incredible I could reach this level following Bartosz's methods to just study on my own.

I've also been studying Latin for the last four months, and learnt more in that time than I did in 5 years of studying it at school!

Tristan G. Languages: Latin, Italian

For 7 years I have struggled with Hungarian - not anymore!

For 7 years I have struggled with Hungarian and that is mainly because I was always overwhelmed by the grammar. This long-term confusion had led me to many roadblocks in learning Hungarian. Knowing that I can simply learn the main grammar principles means that I can actually make MAJOR progress!

Suddenly, I can finally see what stands between me and basic Hungarian fluency. That is a major leap for me. Knowing what stands between me and basic fluency makes a huge task suddenly seem very manageable. It's quite a relief to know this!

Before your course I was in the land of the Impossible, and now I firmly know that I CAN DO THIS.I now have a very clearly defined goal for learning Hungarian, whereas before I only had the question: "which useless language course should I buy next?" Your course is the first language course that I have ever owned where I actually looked forward to reading the next units and modules. Other language courses simply reminded me of boring and ineffective school work.

I thought for years that Hungarian would beat me (it had done for such a long time). But you have shown me that a smart guy in Poland had other ideas :) I have mainly mentioned the grammar side of things in this email, but of course every unit is a little nugget of gold that will feed me knew techniques when I reach those stages. Thank you!

Ashley Benett Language: Hungarian

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